
2023-11-07 托福 阅读:


第1篇: 托福独立写作文章结构如何安排






小编比较建议大家写5段式的文章,但主体段并不是上文所说的3个理由段,而是采用2+1的模式,即两个理由段,再加一个让步段。关于理由段的写法,将在下文详细分析,在此先重点解释一下让步段到底是什么意思。“让步”字面意思是退一步,那么放到我们作文里,意思就是承认一下反方的观点。西方的文章不太喜欢作者全篇一味强调自己观点的正确性,而是需要作者能适当回应并评价一下反方的观点,这样的文章看起来会更加有说服力。当然,广大考生需要注意的是,小编这里提到的“承认反方观点”指的是“弱弱地承认”,承认过后必须再削弱回去或者说再驳斥回去,只有这样才能更强调出本文观点的准确性,否则读者看起来会有confusion, 也就是为什么一会儿支持自己的观点,一会儿又支持反方观点。





Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


表明立场:这样的做法有一定的道理。支持这样的做法的理由:older teenage children还不够成熟(immature),考虑不够周全(inconsiderate),尤其涉及到经济相关的决定时,缺乏独立承担能力(incapable of being independent)。然而,“如何保证parents或者adult relatives所作的决定就是正确的”也是个问题。另外,总是把孩子排除在决定权之外,是否会使孩子变得“没能力做出任何决定”?the ability to make sound decision是人生道路上很重要的能力之一。


The issue of whether parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their teenage children arouses much controversy among people with different perspectives and backgrounds. Some people believe the statement is legitimate, because children are not mature and have not enough experiences to determine the optimal choice. On the other hand, people claim that nobody can control other"s life even their parents. People should be responsible for their own behaviors and determine their lives. As far as I am concerned, I would like to refute the former and support the latter. In the following discussing, I would like to address some evidence to substantiate my point of view.

In the first place, the most important reason for me to choose this position is that old teenagers have their own thoughts and ideas. The fact that the thoughts of children are not perfect and logical does not mean their parents have right to eliminate their decision without considering the children"s intentions. In the era of rapid social and technological changes leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, the good decision in parents" time would be out of data.

In the second place, the job of parents is not to make decision for their children, but to help them to choose. In this period of 15 to 18 year-old children, they are always radical. If their parents make decisions instead of themselves, they will not obey these decisions. Parents had better told their kids about their opinions, worries and experiences as friends. Give much more room for their kids to think and decide. Respect and believe their kids will choose the better one and will face the result directly.

In sum, considering the aforementioned reasons I support the statement that older teenagers had better make decisions by themselves. Admittedly, our parents are our best and most early teacher. They would give us more important advices to help us choose the best decision.



The independent essay usually asks for your opinion about a familiar topic. You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your response. Typically, a good essay for the independent topic will require that you write 300–350 words.


You are planning to study abroad. What do you think you will like and dislike about this experience? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.




My mother once told me that she could always find my eyes shining at the mention of going abroad for further education. There is no denying the fact that I have strong desire of my oversea trip and have planed of it for a long period since I began my high school time. In fact, I am only a typical example of those young students who have the some dream. A result of recent survey, released by a famous magazine in my hometown showed that more than 72 percent local high school students has pleasant association with studying abroad. Anyway, such decisions can benefit a young man a great deal while it is not without its problems.

Will oversea colleges and universities, especially those in America, provide Chinese student a more refined education? The data I select over this year leads to me believe that the answer is undoubtedly positive, since those abroad universities, which enjoy high reputations world-widely, have faculty and advanced facility. It is the education with totally different conceptions that will exert positively influence on one by widening his or her horizon, whereby he/she can put him/herself in a favorable position in the future job markets.

Secondly, which is another conspicuous advantage of the oversea life, it can bring one friends from a variety of countries. Seldom can one have an adjust judgement to a remote nation without consorting with the people from that area. As my cousin, who has been living in England for over seven years, pointed out, she learns a lot from her foreign friends.

However, we immature students should be blind to the dilemma we may face toward in the future. Living in a foreign country means one should try hard to adapt him/herself to a new environment and, in addition, probably have to suffer from the segregation with family.

After the both sides of abroad life are viewed, it is time to draw my conclusion. In short, the study in a foreign university will be a precious experience to a young man as long as he/she can overcome the difficulty he/she may encounter.

第2篇: 托福独立写作文章结构如何安排


常用iBT文章结构-适用于comparison & contrast essay和argument essay.

不论是comparison & contrast essay还是argument essay,它们的文章结构基本相同。分为3大部分和5段结构(Point-by-Point Format), 也许有人喜欢4段(即Block Format),但就初来乍到者,我还是建议他们使用Point-by-Point Format, 并且依据我老师的经验(Jeff)来看,北美人更加喜欢这种结构(其实因为这些老外每天都要批阅几十篇文章,他们已经不阅读文章的内容,仅仅是审查文章的结构和词汇,他们没有时间去对比Block Format结构中的问题或者论点),这令我很吃惊,这与国内老师的意见相驳或者相反。

这篇经验我想用一个例子(Coffee and tea)来向大家解释,有可能我的例子不是很好,或者论点有些可笑,不过我想大家还是要记住,老外已经在iBT中说明,他们不关心你的论点(Issue/Top Sentences) 和论据(Details/Evidence)是否合情合理,只关心你的论据(Details/Evidence)是否可以证明你的论点,仅此而已。大家在稍后的文章中可以看到,我的3个论点中的2个比较controversial, 但是,在我的Detail中支持的好就可以了。

首先,谈一谈5段式结构和Body Paragraph的结构:

Introduction Paragraph:Say what you are going to say.

这个我想不用我多说了,就是文章的“引子”,你的文章是否有高分,这个很重要。这样的句子不要出现,例如:In my essay, I will demonstrate…。下面的句子Jeff称之为Ok Sentence,即可以出现的句子,例如:Tea is the best drink in the world. 或者可以使用五星级的句子,例如:Although Coke is becoming more popular, it can not replace China"s love of tea.

Background / Definition: 重新描述问题,但是不要使用老外给你的题目原话,这里我可以说,如果你使用了原话,不会对你的文章产生任何不好的影响,只是你不会在这里拿到应该得到的分数而已。你可以写成为 Tea is the most popular hot drink in the world.

Thesis: 中心句,如果文章不是argument essay,请不要直接在句子中表达自己的意见或者用一种General的形式来表达大家的意见, 例如:Tea is the world"s favorite drink because it provides health benefits, it is less expensive, and it is available in many varieties.

Forecasting: 见关键词解释。Because后面的3个简单句就是Forecasting。

Body Paragraph I:

Top Sentence: First,Tea is healthier to drink. (OK-Sentence)Jeff推荐的句子Drank by million of people, tea is… (分词开头-ed),再如:Improving your health, tea is drank…(动名词开头-ing),又如:For thousands of years, tea is…(General 开头)

Detail: 这个不用多说了,就是要把你的例子举出来了。For example, people who drink tea, live longer, healthier lives than these who drink coffee.

Befriend:这个是重点了,要把拳头收回来。例如:Although coffee is good for your health, it cause heart attacks in large amounts.

Support:这个时候需要你利用你事实作为拳头伸出去,例如:In fact, heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death, so tea is a better drink according to doctor"s suggestion.

Concluding Sentence:最后要简单扼要的总结一下,你在这段的论点和论据,其原理就像是简易书架,你只有两边都有支撑的面,你的书才不会向没有支撑面的那边倒去。可能有些朋友认为这个比较麻烦或者多余,不过我还是建议大家要包含这个部分,例如:To sum up, tea is healthier in several ways compared to coffee.

Body Paragraph II: 结构如上述,我就不多说了。

Body Paragraph III: 同上。

Conclusion Paragraph: 关于Conclusion我还是要多说两句,通常老外喜欢用Conclusion作为整篇文章的结尾用词,而用to sum up等作为段落的总结。例如:Despite the fact that coffee consumption is increasing, it will never be as beneficial as tea. Tea is less expensive, comes in more varieties, and is healthier. In conclusion, tea will remain the best drink until humans invent something better.

顺便提及一下,有的朋友会问,是否可以变化一下Body Paragraph的结构,我的建议是不要变化,不信的话,您可以自己尝试一下把你的文章重新排一下,您就会知道这里面的区别了。

再谈一下comparison & contrast essay 和argument essay的区别:

在我看来,它们之间的区别有两点。第一点,作者的视角不同。何谓视角不同?即当你写argument essay的时候,你需要在Introduction Paragraph中的Thesis中表达作者支持哪一方面。第二点,对比方面在文章中所占的份额,即如果你在写comparison & contrast essay时,比例为40%(一方面的优点)和60%(另一方面的优点和缺点),虽然是comparison & contrast essay, 但是我想作为作者,你怎么也要表达一下自己的意见或者意图,让读者明白你是虽然在作两件事物的比较,但是还是有你的偏好在里面(喜欢Reading的朋友会有这种体会)。在写argument essay 时,比例为10%(敌对方的缺点)和90%(支持方的优点针对敌方缺点和无伤大雅的支持方缺点)。


1. 要多使用连接词来转换读者的视角和给出你自己的例子。不要让读者自己通过文章内容来转换视角,这样的文章不适用于考试,而适用于你自己的写作中或者长篇论文中。

2. 通常,我都是在写开头的时候,顺便把文章的结尾一并写好,因为文章开头和结尾的结构相似。可以节省时间。

3. 一定要花时间来检查文章中的词汇是否正确以及必要的时候要用更好的句型来优化你的写作。有很多朋友觉得时间不够,所以不检查自己的文章,我想既然你用键盘输入你的文章,就一定有错误的时候,况且那个时候比较紧张。我作为视计算机为自己一部分的人,每次给客户,朋友和同事回信的时候,我都要检查一下。以免让人家笑话或者引起争议。

托福独立写作文章结构细节讲解 结构清晰文章要这么写






The importance of the issue raised by the posed statement, namely creating a new holiday for people, cannot be underestimated, as it concerns the very fabric of society. As it stands, the issue of creating a new holiday raises profound implications for the future. However, although the subject matter in general cannot be dismissed lightheartedly, the perspective of the issue as presented by the statement raises certain qualms regarding practical application.

这个开头段的前两句都在强调话题(create a new holiday)的重要性,属于赘述(redundancy),第三句并没有很直接给出立场,不符合评分标准中的“有效回答问题”。为了获得一个高分,我们需要避免赘述(redundancy)和偏题(digression)。


In the following, I will illustrate my opinion by two reasons.

First of all, honest make the trust stronger between friends or colleagues.

Secondly, telling a lie always makes things worse not only in work but also in family life.

On the contrary, sometimes it is better to tell a lie to others, such as telling a lie to a patient.

作者想给出2个理由,从正反论证说实话在人际关系中的重要性。而第三段的on the contrary, 看似是对比论证,然而并非是描述”撒谎的弊端“,所以结构上会引起困惑。


关于结构清晰,一方面建议大家不要大片背诵模板句式然后进行堆砌。今年的两场考试中,已经有明确要求Do not use memorized examples.如果不能将模板句式巧妙结合所写文章熟练混迹在自己的语言表达之下,那么建议踏踏实实审题。另一方面,平时可以结合历年真题,多训练开门见山的思维方式,然后根据不同的话题补充相应的词汇短语等语料表达,不至于无话可说。






第二论证段:从速食流行原因论证人类行为文化改变, 高节奏的高压生活必然促使身体早衰(身体与心理健康两个层面综合)













在托福考试写作的官方指南中明确提到,出题方希望考生能够在开始托福写作前,重读阅读文章并通过和听力笔记的对比,完成一份简单的提纲性材料。(Before you start writing, briefly reread the passage, consult your notes, and make a very brief outline of the points you wish to make.)

因此,我们很清楚的能够看出,出题方对于考生提出的第一个最基本的要求是希望考生能够给出的是一篇托福作文结构清晰和合理的作文,而这一点在之后的范文分析上能够更清楚的得到肯定,在“指南”所给出的五分范文的评价中,很明确的表示了对于工整和清晰的文章结构的赞赏。(The writer is very specific and has organized his points so that they are parallel with one another: in each of the supporting paragraphs, the lecturer’s observation of what really happened is given first, then explicitly connected to a theoretical point from the reading.)

第3篇: 托福独立写作文章结构如何安排






第二论证段:从速食流行原因论证人类行为文化改变, 高节奏的高压生活必然促使身体早衰(身体与心理健康两个层面综合)












托福独立写作题目相对而言比较多,经典文库中共计185个,但是每年ETS也会研发出新题,即使是在老题的基础做些许的改动,母题的数量也使得“将所有题目写一遍”这一任务变成mission impossible,而且即使做到了,也是一件投资回报率极低的行为,就算考试的时候出现了原题,估计也不可能回忆所有之前写的细节内容。所以针对独立写作部分的备考我们要更多的总结规律,通过总结来节省备考时间。TOEFL独立写作常见FAQ整理如下:



Essay Topic

Which one isthe most important for teacher of high school?

1. The ability to help students plan for their future;

2. The ability to find the students who need help most and help them;

3. Teach students how to learn outside the classroom.


总论点:规划未来能力最重要(vs. 发现需要帮助的同学 &教会自学)




The ability to help student with planning their future is definitely the most important capability for high school teachers.

To begin with, high school students are in desperate need for guidance about their future, and teachers are the only competent candidate to provide it. I know this from my personal experience. When I was in high school, a great portion of my classmates’ only goal is to reach for the minimum requirement for graduation, and to be able to get an offer from a middle-ranged college in the US, as all 15-year-old boys are profoundly addicted to either computer games or love affairs. Because of our immature mind, we had no idea regarding the choice of universities, or the selection of a future career path. What made matters worse is that our high school teachers provided us with virtually zero guidance concerning our college applications, not because they lack of the intention, but simply because they know nothing about it. Consequently, the vast majority of our parents had to hire an outside agency that specializes in the college application process which costs tons of money. Later we realized that this is an utter mistake, for what they did was simply giving us the timeline of the application process, translating our personal statements and recommendation letters from Chinese into English, and finally mailing out all our materials to the US. All of these simple tasks could be performed by ourselves, and these misfortunes surely could have been avoided if we had the luck to meet more competent teachers, with the ability to warn students and their parents about the black-hearted agencies and lay out lucid plans for students’ future.

The capability to find the students who need assistance most and help them, on the other hand, is not that imperative. The reason for this is quite simple, since high school students would come to teachers voluntarily if they are in serious trouble. In other words, many times students don’t want to be bothered by a teacher who treats them like a baby-sitter. As for the “help” part, I firmly hold the faith that all teachers are already equipped with the willingness to solve student’s problem gladly, using their prehistoric powers, no matter how difficult the situation can be. So the willingness to help students should be the minimum standard to be qualified as a teacher.

Similarly, the skill to teach students how to learn outside the classroom is completely unnecessary. For one, most high school students have no time outside their classrooms at all, as all their spare time is already occupied by cram school or by extracurricular activities. Even in the rare circumstance that some students may have free time, parents could always play the part of their instructor on how to self-study.














To begin with, as a young man living in a big city, I need to start saving up from now on, because there are a lot of things in the future costing tons of money. Take my good friend Foosen for example. He is an optimistic guy who prefers to seize the day. He can spend all his salary within just two days either on luxuries or on trips. Before he was even 22, he already went around the whole Africa. Unfortunately, not everything goes according to plan. Last year during his trip to South Africa, he accidentally broke his leg and had to go through surgery. However, since he could not cover the expense, he had to call everybody to borrow money. It took so long for him to collect the money that the surgery was delayed. As a result, the recovery period for him was 2 months longer than everyone else’s. Now, this example might be a particular instance, and it is out of his expectation. Nonetheless, in today’ssociety, even the potential spending within our expectation is already quite worrying. For instance, in Beijing, if I wish to purchase a 30-squaremeter apartment, it would cost me over 3 million yuan; if I want to invite, say, 20 friends to my wedding, I would have to pay over 200,000 yuan; not to mention if I have a child and want to support his education, it would cost at least 50,000 yuan per year just for him to go to kindergarten. It aches mejust to look at these horrifying numbers. If I don’t save up for my future, there would be no future. (275 words)

故事描述了主人公Foosen,由于是乐天派并且坚持活在当下,进而展开月光、全世界各地旅游;到之后有一次意外摔断腿,需要做手术,但没有存钱,从而导致恢复期比普通人长了两个月。大部分的同学就是这些故事的“细节”想不到,或者没思路。如何解决?很简单,就是多看。因为讲故事并没有一个明显的模式或公式可以使用。According to a Personalized Education: Schooling for Tomorrow published by OECD in , “Brains have the ability to generate rulesfrom examples. All that is needed, therefore, are the right examples – lotsand lots of them.”其实就是我们中学老师总的说的那句话,“量的积累产生质的飞跃。”大家想练好例证,只需要找到优秀的讲故事型范文,仿写10篇左右,自然会掌握规律。关于仿写的方法,大家可以关注我的公众号”Foosen资料库”进一步了解。


Students should spend at least one year working or travelling before they go to the university.

【题目大意】: 中学生是否应该在上大学之前拿出至少一年去工作或旅行。主观点可以同意,因为一让学生放松,二可以让学生学到新的技能。

题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Students should take at least a year to work or travel before beginning college.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: After high school, students should have at least one year to work or travel. It"s better than attending university straight away.



The prevailing notion is that high school students are under huge pressure. Then appears a controversy whether students should have one year to engage in other things before they attend their university. After weighing the pros and cons, I am favor of the opinion that having a gap year can produce many benefits.

First off, students can benefit a lot from traveling. As everyone knows, to maintain strong competitiveness, high school students are required to accomplish a wide range of either required or optional curriculums at school and the rights to develop their own interests have been deprived relentlessly, which has proven to be a detriment of their growth. Instead of pursuing their bachelor degree without pause in the college, traveling can help them regain chances to cultivate and perfect their personalities and release pressure. For instance, many more college graduates are reported to be indifferent to the society and show no mercy on those in need, part of which owes a lot to the fact that schools lay more emphasis on cultivating students’ academic abilities and downplay the importance of developing their overall qualities. Traveling to those places in poverty can give students a sight of those impoverished families to call on the sense of responsibility. Besides, by paying a visit to some places of interest like the Great Wall or the pyramid in Egypt, students can approach the greatness of diverse culture. What’s more, the direct access to the natural world can appease students’ inner uproar. Accordingly, a gap year can be a great asset for high school graduates.

Secondly, by taking part-time jobs, not only can students accumulate sufficient social experience but also earn some money to reduce financial stress on their families. Though economy in China keeps growing at a rate of almost 9 percent in the recent, average citizens still suffer huge pressure especially when the slump of stock market took a heavy toll on them and the majority of stock investors withdrew their money and reinvest to the real estate, further increasing pressure on the ordinary because of the increasing prices of housing. For most families from small cities and rural areas, college tuition still appears to be a great burden on them and by taking part-time jobs, students can earn some wages to relieve financial pressure, such as serving as a restaurant attendant that enables students to better develop their communication techniques and learn more about how to meet the demands of consumers or working as a salesman that will be an entirely different experience from high schools and can lead to the cultivation of the ability of presenting customers the advantages of products. Obviously, a gap year means a lot to high school graduates.

Admittedly, there is another voice that high school students are supposed to start their campus life immediately after graduation from high schools. To be more specific, maintaining high-efficiency study can lead students to be better acclimated to their college life. Instead of going to college soon, a gap year may disrupt their study schedule and weaken their learning skills. It appears to be sensible, however; the ultimate goal of attending a university is to seek a decent job and gaining social experience in advance makes students more conscious of which kind of area they are more interested in in the near future such as the serving industry or high-tech fields.

In conclusion, high school graduates had better live a different life temporarily before they go to college. (582 words)

第4篇: 托福独立写作文章结构如何安排

关于结构清晰,一方面建议大家不要大片背诵模板句式然后进行堆砌。今年的两场考试中,已经有明确要求Do not use memorized examples.如果不能将模板句式巧妙结合所写文章熟练混迹在自己的语言表达之下,那么建议踏踏实实审题。另一方面,平时可以结合历年真题,多训练开门见山的思维方式,然后根据不同的话题补充相应的词汇短语等语料表达,不至于无话可说。

托福写作解析:Children and sports


Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


优点:对身体健康有好处;有助于培养与人和睦相处的能力;缺点:耽误学习,instant pleasure costs long-term benefits.







Children and sports

Currently some young children spend a great amount of their time in practicing sports. Most parents feel quite happy because sports are good for their kids" development and team work spirit,however they are quite worried about some negative effects such as practicing sports occupies too much time, distracts their attentions on school work and loses certain interests on other activities. In my opinion, everything has its good side and bad side. The important thing is to handle it properly.

Admittedly, practicing sports can help children"s physical development, which makes them grow faster and stronger than before. As we know, during children"s development periods, especially from 10 to 16 years old, sports are really helpful for children to develop. Sports can create a strong body that reduces the possibility of contracting some diseases easily. Definitely we believe that children benefit from sports.

Another good thing is that sports teach us to learn how to corporate with other members in a team. Most sports are team work. If we want to play them well, we must master some skills to care about what our team members are thinking and how to adapt each other to achieve a common goal. Sports are not an individual activity, it needs corporation and mutual understanding. This is not easy to master. Of course, for parents they are delightful to see their children to get this skill from sports.


1 We may cite a common example of

2 A general /recent survey /investigation conducted by officials/ scientists indicates /reveals/ suggests that


1 Although the commonly-accepted belief/ idea is that X.X.X, a current/ recent study/ survey indicates that

2 It is true that X.X.X, but it does not mean that


1 The reasons/ causes for X.X.X are varied/ complicated and perhaps (probably) that they lie in the fact

2 Another contributing factor/ cause of X.X.X is that


1 There is a general/ public debate/ discussion nowadays on/ over the X.X.X. Those who criticize/ object to X.X.X argue that

2 They believe that X.X.X, however, people who advocate/ favor X.X.X argue that


1 As it turns out / Indisputably/Accordingly

2 Considering all the factors above, we may safely draw the conclusion that


第5篇: 托福独立写作文章结构如何安排

托福写作高分学霸备考经验整理 独立综合实用结构模板指点


The professor presents a lecture regarding(主题), and her proposition forms a sharp contrast with what is stated in the reading passage.

First, the reading passage claims that (reading的第一个点). However, the professor points out that (listening的反驳).

Another part that distinguishes the reading from the listenging is that(reading的第二个点). The professor explains that(listening的反驳).

Finally, what the reading stated concerning (reading的第三个点)differs a lot from what is mentioned by the professor. As she puts it, (listening的反驳)



When it comes to the issue about (题目), people"s opinion differs from person to person. Some hold the view that(一个观点), while others argues that(另一个观点). As far as I"m concerned, I support the prior/latter point for the reasons that(概括自己的论点)

It is true that (反方论点)has its own merits. For one thing, (反方论据1). For another, (反方论据2).However, is this a wise choice? After taking more factors into consideration, I suggest that(正方论点).


Second, (正方论据2)

In short, from what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that (把第一段的论点重复一遍)

托福综合写作高分注意事项提点 完整复述才是提分写法




其次,托福综合写作中的阅读和听力部分,给出的信息是过量的。也就是说,实际综合写作中,并不要求你事无巨细把所有内容都写进去。按照官方指南OG中的要求,最高评分5分的要求中,考生只需要做到successfully selects the important information from the lecutre就已经足够了,大家注意其中的important,这才是关键词。所以考生千万不要抱有把阅读和听力中所有细节都记下来写进文章的想法来应对托福综合写作,学会判断哪些是需要记录并写出来的关键重要信息即可。


这个问题也有很多人会问,托福综合写作的文章到底需要写成什么形式比较好?有的人觉得是类似独立写作那样分几段的形式,也有考生认为写个一长段就可以了。这里需要注意的是,官方虽然给出了well-organized的要求,但这只是从文章是否方便理解的角度提出的要求。实际上OG上对这一点也有提到,原话是You can write either one long paragraph or a series of short paragraphs listing the points of opposition between the rading passage and the lecture. 所以考生无论是写成多个段落还是直接一段完事,只要内容能够清晰有条理,哪种形式其实都是可以接受的。


最后要说的也是很多人比较关心的一个问题,那就是文章里出现语言类错误的扣分标准。这一点小编其实一直都抱有这样的观点,那就是只要各类语法词汇句式的错误数量较少,而且不出现在关键性的位置上,那么托福考官其实都是会睁一只眼闭一只眼放过的。但如果这些语言类错误频繁出现在文章里,还老是在一些重要的地方干扰考官对文章的阅读理解,那么扣分就是妥妥的了。OG中也很好地佐证了这个观点,那就是occasional language errors that are present do not result in anaccurate or imprecise presentation of content connections是不会被扣分的。











托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:working by hand or using machines


Doing work: by hand or using machines?

Some people like doing work by hand. Others prefer using machines. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


分情况。有些事情适合用手做,比如:洗衣服:有些人就喜欢用手洗衣服(wash clothes),而不用洗衣机(laundry machine)。写字:不用电脑,而坚持用笔,基本上只有50岁以上的人才干得出来。很多的事情只能手工去作(举例);而另外也有很多事情只能用机器去做(举例)。还有一些事情要二者结合才可以,比如统计工作。搜集数据(collect data),往往更依赖人工(manual work);数据处理(data processing/manipulating),最好由计算机完成。


Some people like doing work by hand. Others prefer to use machines. I definitely fall into the latter category. I use a machine for almost all of the work I do. The reasons why I prefer to use machines are that most hand work is tedious, machines are faster and more efficient, and I am more proficient with most machines. Two things that I spend a copious amount of time doing are writing and sewing. Both of these endeavors border on pain if I do not have a computer or a sewing machine, respectively. What was once a fun task becomes very monotonous, and no longer enjoyable. Using a machine can turn ordinary tasks into exciting ones. Using machines to do work is also much faster and more efficient than using your hands to do it. For example, if I wrote this essay by hand, rather than using the computer, it would probably take me at least five times as long. Hand sewing a shirt would take ten times longer than using a machine to do the same work. Not only are machines faster and more efficient, I am much more proficient using machines than I am doing the same work by hand. I find that when I am sewing by hand, all of my seams are very uneven and crooked. However, when I sew on a machine, my seams are perfect. The machine helps to keep my hand in line, therefore I can turn out a much better product. It is the same for writing essays. My handwriting is messy at times. If I had written a paper, I cannot correct it as easily as if I had written it on the computer. My writing blurs together, and sometimes I cannot even read what I have written down. Machines are definitely a better way for me to work efficiently, proficiently, and enjoyably.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:be assigned or choose your roommate


Be assigned a roommate, or choose your own roommate?

You have been told that dormitory rooms at your university must be shared by two students. Would you rather have the university assign a student to share a room with you, or would you rather choose your own roommate? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.


陈述学校分配的好处/陈述自己选择的好处(注意,两种方法都有缺点) 选择立场。选择让学校分配可以体现自己的大度(open-minded and magnanimous)或者说适应能力强随和好相处,选择自己挑室友则可以说为了以后更好的相处等等。


Going to university is an exciting time in a young person"s life. Part of the experience is living in the campus dormitory, and it is the first time for person away from his/her parents, in many cases. If one has to share a room with another student, I believe that it is better that the university picks the prospective roommate. When a young person first goes to university, he/she often moves straight to the school from his/her bedroom at his/her parents" house. This usually means that the person has no idea of the qualities necessary to be a good roommate. Perhaps the young person would choose to live with a good friend. While this situation could be a very happy one, it could also be disastrous. Getting along with a friend as a roommate, if not properly handled, could quickly ruin the relationship. If the school picks one"s roommate, this is less likely to happen. In many cases, young people travel out of the city they grew up in to go to university. For many of these students, picking a potential roommate would be difficult. They know very few people in the new city, let alone at the university. This can lead to very stressful situations. If one is trying to settle into a new environment, but also must find a roommate to live with, he/she might find the whole experience overwhelming. Finally, I think having the school choose roommates rather than the individuals is a good idea because living with a person you do not know can be a rewarding experience. A stranger can quickly turn into one"s best friend, as memories are forged while living together in a confined space.

第6篇: 托福独立写作文章结构如何安排










Would you prefer a higher pay job with longer work time or an average pay job with normal work time.


In the current society full of fierce competition, we can readily observe that landing an ideal job has become increasingly difficult, which forces us to a concession in the requirement of the job we want. When it comes to which is more appealing, a higher pay job with longer work time or an average pay job with normal work time, people varying in backgrounds and personalities may view the same issue from different angles. From my perspective, towards such a long-running tug-of-war, my choice will depends on what age I am.

On the one hand, during my twenties and thirties, my preference will be a higher pay job with longer work time. For one thing, as for young adults wrestling with various bills in daily life, the high salary will help them to relieve their financial pressure and thus meet their basic need of life. To be specific, the extremely high price of house in China has been beyond the affordable range of most people. In order to pay the rents or afford a house, young people needs desperately a large sum of money which can be earned in a decent job. For another, longer work time is not a big deal for the young, because they are so energetic and vigorous that a sound sleep can help them to restore their vitality. A good case in point is the experience my friend, Andy. As a broker in an Stock Exchange Company in Beijing, he has to deal with large quantities of data and keep close track of any events which may cause the fluctuation of stock price. Although the heavy pressure brought by his job often require him to work overtime and even around the clock, he never makes complaints because the exciting and adventurous experience from selling or buying stocks appeals him a lot.

On the other hand, n the other hand, when I am at the middle age or old age, an average pay job with normal work time will be much better. After accumulating fortunes in the early years of life, old-age people do not suffer from huge financial pressure so that low income will not affect their life greatly. As we know, the old have owned their own houses and are not interested in pursuing the latest electronic devices or fashionable clothes, thus decresing their living cost to a large extent. As a result, they can lead a relatively high-quality life without high wage. Also, older people are usually those who have got married or even have children, so spending more time accompanying their family members is of great significance. Undoubtedly, the job with normal work time can better satisfy the need of staying longer with their kids or spouse. During the stay, the emotional bond between them will become closer and more intimate.


Judging from what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that my preference for a job varies according to what age group I am at.


People tend to have to different expectations out of a job, like personal satisfaction, higher pay, respect, and social recognition. Some people prefer to work long hours to pursue a higher salary while others tend to hold on a average paying job with normal work hours. If I have to face these two choices, I tend to choose to take a job with normal pay but more free time based on the following reasons.

Admittedly, monetary reward is indeed one of primary motivation to pursue a career, one needs money to cover daily expenses like room and board, utility bills, buy medical insurance, without money it is impossible for someone to live a decent life. However, it is not monetary benefit that gives an individual great personal satisfactions. Research that is done by lots of well-established professor in psychiatry has shown that the freedom to allocate your time and your intimacy with friends and families guarantee great personal happiness and satisfactions.

First off, spending too much time and working overtime can add more pressure and stress to one personal life and jeopardize their health. Lots of jobs are sedentary, like secretaries, lawyers, clerks, which pose great threat to their physical healthy. They might get dizzy, backache, and lack of energy. Other professions are even more competitive and intense, like stock broker, financial analyst who have to stare at a computer screen for more than 10 hours a day. It is not surprising to hear someone who has worked for 14 hours a day and several days in a row and eventually suffer from cardiac sudden death. It is clear that working overtime pose great threat to employees" healthy, which leads to sloppy working habits and negative attitude. The most unwanted scenario is the lack of morale in a professional environment. On the other hand, working normal hours makes the individual employee happier in their personal life and more productive in the working place.

Additionally, working overtime means that the individual will have to sacrifice much of their spare time devoted to boring and repetitive work. There are more meaningful stuff to do than working day and night, for instance, by choosing working normal hours one can develop a new skill or hobby, like learning how to play piano, play golf with a friend. Besides, working normal hours makes it possible for individuals to spend some quality with their families and maintaining a harmonious bond with families can be very important. Not only does good to the individual"s mental health, but also it will make one more productive in a professional setting.

In conclusion, it is more advisable to work average hours with normal pay than otherwise since more flexibility in working schedule means more quality time with families and friends, great personal satisfaction and productivity in working place and lower risk of physical and mental problems.





With the advent of internet, people in growing numbers are getting addicted to logging onto the internet out of various purposes, which has aroused deeply social concern. Therefore, the issue of whether the bills of using the Internet should be paid by the government or the users themselves has been open to debate. In my opinion, it is more reasonable to require the individuals to cover the fee of internet usage, with the reasons as follows.

To begin with, the users of the internets are supposed to pay the bills in order to relieve the financial burden of government. With the popularization of the internet, the number of people going online every day has increased to a lot, which means that the money spent on the internet is tremendous. Such a large sum of money can do nothing but occupy a great propotion of the governmental expenditure, thus cutting down on the investment of government on other more pressing fields like improving the public transportation and eradicating the poverty. By contrast, if the fee of internet usage comes from the wallet of the individual, the situation will become totally different. To illustrate, the abundant financial resources of government saved by this practice can better facilitate the economic development and render the life of the mass more convenient and comfortable.

In addition, requiring the individuals to pay for the bill of internet access will help to establish better social relationship between people. As is common sense, with the wide application of electronic devices boosted by easy access to the internet, people especially younsters are indulged in the cyber or virtual world created by the social network and various Apps on the cell phone. Consequently, it is not uncommon to observe that when a group of white collars sit at a table in a restaurant waiting for their meals, they watch the screen of their smart phones instead of interacting with the guys near them, which greatly alienates the bond between them. In this case, the free use of internet will aggravate this situation to a large extent. However, if the fee of the internet usage is covered by the individuals instead of the government, many people will be reduce their time spent in surfing the internet in order to save money. As a result, the face-to-face communication will become more frequent and thus the closer and more intimate relationship between people will be set up.

Factoring the above listed reasons, it is safe to conclude that the government should not offer internet access to all of citizens at no cost, in order to relieve financial burden of the government and to build a better rapport between people.


With the advent of the information age, internet and advanced technological gadgets are becoming more and more accessible, actually they are now as important as basic necessities in life like water supply and electricity. When it comes to the question of whether government should provide free internet access to all citizens, personally I am in favor of this initiative based on the following reasons.

Admittedly, providing free internet access to the public in schools, shopping malls, tourist spots and even households might incur some financial burden to the city since the government has to invest in the infrastructure and networks and even dedicate staff members to maintain the operation, however, it is well worth the effort and financial resource to provide such service.

First off, internet now is an indispensable part of people’s lives, and we simply cannot live and work without it. Providing free internet service can make people’s lives more convenient and bring efficiency to working places. For example, college students can utilize internet to send emails to inquire professors about certain issues in the academics, use different kinds of online service to assist their study. Internet makes it possible for professors to involve multimedia in the their classrooms, making the class more interactive and engaging. Also, businessmen can capitalize on the internet and monitor various data like management cost, profit, asset and liability, ultimately they can avoid certain financial loss and make more profit. Generally, internet makes lives more convenient, citizens can use location based apps to find restaurants, museums, sports centers, etc. Apart from that, internet brings a more connected community and facilitates interaction between citizens and businesses. More importantly, a city with free internet access in public places will see its popularity boosted and attract people to move in or visit.

Additionally, providing free wifi access to everyone is a very conducive tool for empowerment and social engagement, shortening the gap between the rich and the poor, the underprivileged and the privileged. Actually, internet access, cell phone contracts, and data plan can be very expensive and not very affordable to people with lower incomes. Providing free internet service to these people gives them life changing opportunities, like job hunting, on-line course, and even health advice. Consequently, providing free internet service can be a great tool for empowerment and social involvement.

To conclude, providing free internet service to citizens has lots of benefits since internet makes people’s lives more convenient and brings efficiency to working places, more importantly, providing free internet service can be a great tool for empowerment and social involvement.

第7篇: 托福独立写作文章结构如何安排






The importance of the issue raised by the posed statement, namely creating a new holiday for people, cannot be underestimated, as it concerns the very fabric of society. As it stands, the issue of creating a new holiday raises profound implications for the future. However, although the subject matter in general cannot be dismissed lightheartedly, the perspective of the issue as presented by the statement raises certain qualms regarding practical application.

这个开头段的前两句都在强调话题(create a new holiday)的重要性,属于赘述(redundancy),第三句并没有很直接给出立场,不符合评分标准中的“有效回答问题”。为了获得一个高分,我们需要避免赘述(redundancy)和偏题(digression)。


In the following, I will illustrate my opinion by two reasons.

First of all, honest make the trust stronger between friends or colleagues.

Secondly, telling a lie always makes things worse not only in work but also in family life.

On the contrary, sometimes it is better to tell a lie to others, such as telling a lie to a patient.

作者想给出2个理由,从正反论证说实话在人际关系中的重要性。而第三段的on the contrary, 看似是对比论证,然而并非是描述”撒谎的弊端“,所以结构上会引起困惑。

第8篇: 托福独立写作文章结构如何安排







指的是“弱弱地承认”,承认过后必须再削弱回去或者说再驳斥回去,只有这样才能更强调出本文观点的准确性,否则读者看起来会有confusion, 也就是为什么一会儿支持自己的观点,一会儿又支持反方观点。




题目:A university recognized that first-year students have poor study skills. It is believed that the best way to address this problem is to require all first-year students to take courses on study skills, while others don’t agree with this requirement. What is your opinion?

范文1:Argument 1 (for)

Some people may think that requiring first-year college students to take courses to improve study skills is a waste of time, but I think it is a good way to ensure that students can cope with the college’s requirements. If the students do not have the needed skills already, teaching them as a class is the most efficient method to bring students to the correct level and allow the regular classes to progress at a faster pace.

If students do not have the required study skills when they enter college, they probably are unable to learn those skills on their own. Students need to find appropriate resources for research, develop organizational skills to balance homework and test study time, and learn acceptable formats for writing papers and giving presentations. These are not naturally acquired traits. As with any other subject, it is easiest to learn these things when they are presented in a clear, logical way by a trained professor. If the skills are not taught, the student may not even know what is missing, so will never even think to find out on his or her own.

In addition to providing foundational skills, an introductory study skills class can highlight the special requirements of and opportunities available at the college. For example, my high school taught Chicago bibliography structure, and I thought I was ready for college. However, my college requires that all papers be written in APA format. I needed to learn the APA style, and a basic class would have been very useful. In addition, my college has a fantastic computer resource lab with programs for making charts and graphs with complex data. I did not even know the lab existed during my first year, something I could have learned in an orientation study course.

The result of having all students take a study skills class is clear: regular classes can progress more smoothly. The regular faculty does not have to waste time instructing on points such as APA format that should already be known to the students. The students will all be able to keep up because they are organized; class time is not wasted completing things that should already have been done. Students can finish projects using all the resources available rather than trying to solve a problem without the proper equipment.

Therefore, a college would be wise to require all first-year students to take a basic study skills course. The students can learn things they would not find out on their own, find out about resources at the college, and prepare for a smoother class experience.

to bring students to the correct level 使学生达到标准水准

These are not naturally acquired traits. 这不是自然习得的特征

as with X 正如X, 和X一样

foundational skill 基本技能

regular classes can progress more smoothly 普通课程可以进展地更顺利些

be able to keep up 能够跟得上

范文2:Argument 2 (against)

Requiring all first-year students to take an introductory study skills class is a waste of time and money for both the college and the students. It is not fair to advanced students who have alreadyinvested the time and energy to acquire good study skills, so an alternative program should be offered.

Although at first glance a study skills class may seem like a good idea, setting up such a course is a considerable investment for the institution. If all incoming students are required to take the class, many teachers and classrooms must be available for the program. For the program to be successful, the teaching materials should be consistent, so someone needs to develop the course and train the teachers in the best way to deliver the content. This investment of time, space and money could be better spent elsewhere.

Not only is a special class expensive for the university, it is also expensive for the students. Every student can only take a few classes per term, so making one of them a study requirement means that the student has less opportunity to pursue specialized classes needed to succeed in the working world after graduation. This investment of time and money is particularly unfair if the student already has the study skills necessary to do well. In fact, such a requirement might even make more advanced students consider attending a different university because they do not want to pay for something they do not need, lowering the overall level of student at the university.

A better alternative to a study skills class would be to provide each incoming student with a handbook listing the resources available at the school. Students who need extra training could go to a study lab with tutors or go to listed internet websites or chatrooms. Students can learn at their own pace and take advantage of whatever resources they need; students who do not need help are not held back in any way. The tutors could be upper-level students who are on a work-study program, which would cost the university significantly less than paying full-time professorial stafffor a special class.

Requiring all freshmen to take a study skills class is a waste of time and money for the students and institution, so it would be better to offer alternatives that target the specific skills that individual students need to learn.

invested the time and energy to do 投入时间和精力去做

an alternative program 备选方案

at first glance 乍一看

incoming students 即将入学的学生

the overall level of student 学生的整体水平

hold back 阻止,抑制

full-time professorial staff 全职教授级职员



After your presentation, which way would you choose to identify your weakness and improve your presentation?

1) reviewing the recording on your own;

2) inviting your colleagues or classmates to make suggestions for improvement.

范文1:For Choice 1

To improve my performance after giving a presentation, it is best to review a recording of it by myself. This process lets me observe all aspects of the presentation, evaluate changes at my own pace, and avoid being defensive.

First, a video recording gives significantly more information than just relying on comments made by colleagues or classmates. I can analyze and improve on even small points that others may not have noticed or found worth mentioning. For example, a couple years ago, I gave a presentation that I had extensively prepared for. It had strong organization and flow. Classmates raved about the content, but mentioned that I looked scared. I was confused, because I had felt confident. However, I noticed in the video later that I was continually fingering my notes. For my next presentation, I placed the notes within view but did not hold them, rendering my appearance more professional.

Another reason I prefer watching a recording is my pace of learning. I can focus on the points I want to redo, replaying the material as often as I want, confirming even tiny details. In fact, I can even take long breaks to think about what I see or to try out alternate delivery styles. I do not have to inconvenience my friends by asking them for feedback or taking up their time. If others are involved in the evaluation process, I feel much more rushed because I do not want to bother people who have agreed to help me.

Finally, reviewing a recording by myself eliminates a serious problem that hinders progress: my pride. I do not like to admit it, but I often get defensive about feedback and want to explain why certain things happened. I feel resentful about negative comments rather than see them as stepping stones towards improvement. It is a natural tendency, but it definitely hinders my ability to assimilate outside feedback. Furthermore, friends try to be polite, so they may not mention minorpoints that I might have improved because they don’t want to seem too critical. Emotions get in the way of a thorough critique.

To improve my future performance, I find it best to review videos of my presentations by myself. I can evaluate all aspects of the presentation, take as much time as I need, and avoid the inevitable problem of emotional involvement swaying the critique.

at my own pace 按照自己的步伐走

rave about the content 对内容赞不绝口

place the notes within view 把笔记放在眼前,把笔记放在视线范围内

inconvenience my friends 麻烦我的朋友

take up their time 占用他们的时间

see them as stepping stones towards improvement 把它们看作是迈向进步的垫脚石

get in the way 妨碍,阻碍

范文2:For Choice 2

It is essential to get the feedback of people in the audience to learn about mistakes and improve on a presentation. Spectator critiques help identify the big picture and reveal points that you can’tsee in an honest, unbiased way.

No matter how impartial you want to be, a self-evaluation is biased. It incorporates points that are not relevant to the performance you gave. For example, you may think you did excellent given your limited practice time or great amount of stress, but your audience is unaware of these factors. The viewers only evaluate what they see, which is a far more accurate measure of a presentation. A self-evaluation may also ignore issues that were “just accidents.” However, such points may reallybe important detractors that need to be addressed.

People in the audience also provide insight into the big picture. They only have time to note specific glaring details or outstanding highlights. Otherwise, their feedback gives you the overallimpression of the performance, which is something intangible and essential to the presentation’ssuccess. If you compare the feedback of several observers, you can isolate the main patterns. As a result, you can understand the most important parts that need changed. If you only refer to a video on your own, you may get caught up changing minor details rather than addressing the key elements that are needed to alter the overall flow or lasting effect.

Finally, classmates or colleagues may identify things you take for granted such as mannerisms, repeated words, or even problems with visual aids. One example is a teacher who gave a presentation using an old slide projector that kept jamming. The teacher apologized when that happened and kept going with the lecture. He had no idea how distracting it was, to the point that students remembered joking about which slide would get stuck next better than they remembered the content. The teacher, however, was so used to fixing the projector that he barely noticed it. The feedback showed him the value of replacing his visual aids with newer equipment, an issue he had never considered was important.

Since an audience gives you honest evaluations of the overall impression of a presentation and identifies points you may not see on your own, it is important to get feedback from people in the audience in order to improve your presentations.

spectator critiques 旁观者的评论

in an honest, unbiased way 以诚实、公正的方式

a far more accurate measure of a presentation 对报告或展示一种更为准确的评价

provide insight into the big picture 洞察全局

glaring details 明显的细节

outstanding highlights 突出的亮点

visual aids 视觉辅助






上一篇:托福口语18岁成人投出选票【汇编四篇】 下一篇:关于2024年托福考试时间表【三篇】